Well even though today was cold, wet and dreary it was definitely a nice night for running! Eric, Jen and myself left for a 7.01 mile run down by the lake and for once it wasn't windy! We made this an easy run today. 1:01:36 which comes out to 8:47 mins/mile. Nice run Eric and Jen! This is about the time where my miles are going to start tapering off. I have one and a half weeks until my half marathon and I am getting pumped. I am ready to obtain my personal record, even more than I have ever been. I have put in the work and I am ready for the results.
This recipe of the week was inspired by an Italian family I stayed with in a little town called Cassino, Italy. If you don't know the town it is South of Rome and North of Naples. The town of Cassino is home to the historical Church called "Monte Cassino"
This place was so serene! Look it up if you don't know it. Anyway, the family put together this sauce that had the freshest of ingredients that you would ever taste! I mean it too, it was straight from her garden in the backyard and it took her all day to cook it!
Ingredients you will need;
Roma Tomatoes
Sweet Onion
Fresh Basil
Chicken Stock
Salt & Pepper
Peccorino Romano
Crushed Red Pepper
Country Style Pork Ribs (preferably bone in)
Baking Soda
Start off by coring all of the tomatoes (about 15 - 20), boil a medium size pot of water and blanch them until the skin falls off (this shouldn't take longer than a minute)
Take the blanched tomatoes and place them in a separate pot with onions, garlic and olive oil, season to taste with salt & pepper (keep the heat level on low and roast the tomatoes for at least two hours)
After the first hour add a 1/2 cup of Chicken Stock and fresh basil let simmer and keep it covered
Following the Chicken Stock,
Add olive oil to another pot along with onions, garlic, salt & pepper
When the onions have become transparent add the Pork Ribs
Let cook on low until the pork is completely seared and nicely browned along all edges
Once the Tomatoes have roasted for over two hours take your immersion blender and puree
(I don't like chunky sauce)
Add sauce to the pork ribs and then add seasoning
Salt, pepper, basil and crushed red pepper
Then let simmer on low heat for another half hour then add a table spoon of baking soda
(this is to help cut the acid)
Let simmer another ten minutes and then add a 1/4 cup of peccorino romano
This recipe can be done vegetarian style if preferred or you can add meatballs to give it more flavor.
The meatball recipe will be another Monday's recipe of the week!
Buon Appetito!
About Me

- Shoooter
- Rochester, NY, United States
- To be frank, I have a lot of energy, I need to keep my mind & body moving or I will get bored or fall asleep. I love to work and in my down time I run, play sports, go out to eat, spend time with friends, etc... I have an interest in just about everything. I guess my biggest downfall is that I work 60+ hours a week and that is a slow week. I try to run an average of 25 miles a week, sometimes it's possible sometimes not so much.
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